Laurent Gineys
- Qualified in industrial automation and quality,
- Backed by 20 years dedicated to a company specialised in the manufacture of screws and bolting, he handled productions via different departments going on to become the Technical Director of this unit.
- This experience spurred him into creating his own company: "SOFAST Technologie" supported in this decision by 3 partners, 2 of which experts in construction bolting for metal construction.
Florian Arnaud
- With a master's degree in management and CQPM Quality (French Metalworking Qualification Certificate), he quickly worked his way up to the Quality Manager firstly of a production site, followed by the whole company.
- With fully mastered knowledge of the production of preloaded products, he provides the must-have facilities and methods for the controls related to the requirements of these materials.
Cédric Barlet
- His BTS (post secondary-school two-year vocational qualification) in material treatment provides him with sound experience for a surface treatment company.
- This knowledge provides SOFAST Technologie with vital material science.
- His professional experience shared with Laurent and Florian, enabled him to boost his know-how in structural products as well as to learn the technical expertise required for analysis.
Julie Gagnaire
- Boasting an MA in psychology and a master's degree in Human Resources Management, she complements the company's technical expertise thanks to her diversified professional background ranging from a multinational company of prestige tourism to industrial SMEs.
- This experience enables here to combine the use of perfected tools with responsiveness and dedication to develop support functions for SOFAST Technologie, ranging from management to marketing.